Sunday 29 January 2012

Choose your weapons wisely

I always knew that life was full of choices. From the trivial and mundane to the downright life-changing, we always have some kind of decision to make. What should I eat? What should I wear? Should we get married? Decisions like that.

We've all made decisions to get where we are today, most of which to benefit our lives in some way.

How young were we when we started making our own decisions? Are we ever too young to make decisions?

Education-wise, I've been making decisions since I was twelve. Thinking back on it right now, I feel like twelve is much too young to be making these kinds of decisions.

But back then, it didn't seem like such a monumental thing. I was just picking a class. How big is that supposed to be?

Of course now, I think it wasn't the best decision. I chose to do computing. Didn't like it. I still don't like it.

I learned after that.

More years went by and I had more choices to make. I chose French. I chose music. I chose art. I chose Math. I chose product design. I chose Japanese. I chose English.

I made all these decisions with one thing in mind: I will excel and I will enjoy it. (which I did for the most part)

I've always looked at school life like it was a war. All my deadlines and goals were battles I had to win.

Essay due tomorrow? Kill it.
Exam later? Kill it.
Reading tonight? Kill it.

To win these battles, you have to make decisions.

So choose your weapons wisely, friends.

The right weapons will guarantee you victory.

Choose poorly, and that will be a loss that you'll need to live with.

I'm only thinking about decisions because we're nearing the end of our green form nonsense. This is the last chance we have to choose our classes. And that scares me. I'm hoping I've made the right choices.

I hope to win this! Bachelors, you are going down!

I meant degree, of course. No offense, single guys!


  1. Assignment due next week, do next week? Challenge accepted!

    1. Exactly!! Kill it! (like my mom would say)

  2. Life without choices would be pretty awful. I'm not sure that prisoners in jail have too many choices to make!
